How To Improve Your HVAC’s Efficiency And Conserve Energy
The energy prices are on the rise. Energy consumers are complaining of huge bills. As a homeowner, there are certain measures you can take and conserve energy and lower the bills. Start with your HVAC system. An optimally functioning HVAC system is energy efficient. It uses less energy. Change the filters. Get an hvac filter replacement from a reputable manufacturer. The following are the top ways you can improve your HVAC efficiency and save energy.
System Boundaries
Set boundaries. Control your heating and cooling to specific locations. This can improve your system’s efficiency by a whopping 20 percent. You can always adjust the boundaries according to the prevailing weather conditions.
For instance, you may want to avoid heating or cooling your garage completely. Your warehouse can have open entrances in between sessions to minimize heating costs. Define your system boundaries clearly. Decide how airflow from your system should be directed.
Accurate Thermostat Points
Install a programmable thermostat in your building. Make sure it’s correctly positioned. Set the right temperatures. Check if it provides optimal comfort levels. Reduce the temperature settings for unoccupied rooms. This can reduce your electricity bill by 10 percent.
Use Controls
Invest in automatic controls. Using smart devices to control the speed of your HVAC system can be extremely beneficial. It can boost efficiency and minimize energy costs. Modern equipment like fans, motors, and chillers allow the AC unit to be automatically controlled to provide adequate levels of heating, as well as, cooling.
Incorporating an air valve into your system’s design can help in regulating airflow. There are also other programmable features you may want to consider.
Set Points For Equipment
Choose realistic set points for your equipment. Make sure they deliver the required amount of comfort. Plus, they shouldn’t be overworked. Generally, devices such as fans should be set to operate at speeds that deliver the needed amount of types of air conditioner systems.
If your system isn’t properly set, it might consume more energy than necessary. As such, it can start producing a higher cooling or heating effect, hence reducing energy efficiency. That’s why it’s crucial to implement effective set points to minimize energy loss.
Fine-Tune The Chiller’s Temperature
Adjust the chiller’s temperature to the desired level. Make sure it delivers the required temperature settings. This will assist in conserving energy. Regulate the temperature of your HVAC system based on the manufacturer’s guidelines.
Beware of the fact that a slight temperature change can result in substantial savings. It could dramatically lower your energy bills.
Use A Variable Speed Unit
Invest in variable speed valves. There are many variable alternatives you may want to consider. From fans and blowers to compressor motors, you’ve s long list of options. They’ve all been proven to improve energy savings for commercial facilities.
Efficiency simply means being able to configure settings correctly. Variable speed control is an excellent strategy that allows components to run at maximum speed and deliver optimal efficiency.
The Bottom-Line
Don’t continue paying huge bills. You can cut the bills. Purchase energy-efficient appliances. Change your HVAC system’s air filters. Bring in LED lighting fixtures. Improve the efficiency of your HVAC system. Prioritize regular maintenance. The above are the top tips and tricks for improving your HVAC system’s efficiency.